Żołnierska, Bytom, interiors

this interior design is a continuation of the entire house concept; the general principle of this project was to create a simple, elegant space which would not cost a fortune; a great amount of fittings basically comes off the shelf and can be found in some very popular furniture stores; nevertheless some elements were custom made and all the fitting in this house were designed to complement one another and to create a stylish and coherent interior; the main finishes used here are: timber, concrete, black details, whites and greys as basics; in the master bedroom there are copper elements, in the living space – a touch of vibrant red, in the entrance hall – navy blue, and in the kid’s room distinctive colours mark each child’s personal space; adding few nice photos, couple of graphics, nice lighting to all of this creates a very cosy and comfortable home

project: 04-10.2017
on site: 03-06.2018
photos: Janina Tyńska Fotografia Wnętrz